
I wanted to say a heartfelt thank you for this incredible experience of the Motherlight. I’m honestly in awe of the breadth of this journey which has been a continuous source of learning, deepening, inspiration and joy over these last few months. I’ve never had a learning experience like it that was so layered and intricately woven together and artfully balanced the experience of the individual with the experience of communing/communality. It’s brought me a lot of strength and hope, I didn’t realise how much I was in need of that - I shall miss it! Thank you Paramatma, it’s been truly heart warming - I feel so privileged to have been able to learn from you and all of the Motherlight teachers and my fellow students.

Bella Riza

The Motherline has been, and is, more of everything that I imagined it would be. What I love the most is how the combination of ancient, classical, academic, cosmological, philosophical, contemporary, esoteric, theoretical and social approaches on yogini science and somatic knowledge runs through the whole training. Whe teachers are sharing their expertise in relation to the woman body & beyond with such integrity and in such a humble and intimate manner…opening the horizons on kundalini as a divine feminine current and currency. As a woman, and as a mother (of a future woman), I am so grateful to be together with other women and mothers from all around the world at this time and in this space. When all of us are on one screen; sharing experiences, feeding our children, learning from each other, it is easy to forget the virtuality and be reminded of the universality of the mother energy.

Kajsa Quinterno

The Motherline is an exquisitely curated deep dive into the applications of kundalini yoga in the aquarian age. A call to level up — to take this year of collective and individual challenge, to self reflect, cultivate this reflection into creative action — led me to this training. What I found was a sense of community, accountability and deep reverence for the practice and each other as we worked to hone our gifts to craft, recalibrate and serve.

I found that my own deep grief, held and tended to as I moved through this experience, is the seed of a creative process that has cracked my heart wide open and I find myself feeling excited again, living in the powerful space of new beginnings and heart offerings. This experience was incredibly healing for me and the mosaic collective of master teachers kept each day feeling fresh with brand new possibility. What a gift this training is — deepest gratitude to each and every woman who touches the motherline through her offerings, presence and dedication.

Rebecca Mercurio

Deep bow. These women. This space. It is a true reflection of the conversations, connection & energy that is amplifying & asking to be circulated right now. This space is a reflection of, a tapping in point, for the remedy of freedom that all are opening to. The synthesis of personal inspiration, experience, & wisdom feeds into the evolution of personal practice & sharing practice to truly let each participant receive their wisdom, themselves & to trust it. This is the place to strengthen, prepare, receive, meet & unfold.

Emily Sullivan

The Motherline has been one of the most transformative experiences of my life. I fell in love with every single part of it. I am truly fulfilled.

Clarisa Cobian

Nowhere in our educational systems, that I know of at the moment, are there places WHERE they teach you to live on practices, completely embodied. The Motherline offers this kind of education which is not rooted in pass fail, but experiential wisdom rooted in presence.

I teach the somatic movement education part of The Motherline, it is my invitation to propose a way of teaching ourselves the somatic process by which we organize and reorganize ourselves to adapt to life’s transitions by experiencing and experimenting with a variety of possible roles and feelings through the process of Feldenkrais Method AND lessons which bring us to a state of calm, clear and alert so there can be specificity IN how we emerge into the light of our new desires.

The nature of the lessons I offer is something completely different, a completely different paradigm. Not to produce something that gives you a sense of meaning. The nature of the lessons I offer for The Motherline is to learn to care for yourself, so that your bodily process becomes the educator. I extend my sincerest gratitude to Paramatma, and the teachers that lead this dynamic and ever evolving training of The Motherline.

Niki de SaintAmour

I am grateful to have the opportunity to teach in the Motherline Teacher Training. Being dedicated to creating sacred spaces for women to heal and express themselves, I am continually inspired by Parmatmas originality, year by year, in designing beautiful programs that support and honor women.  May this work carry on!

Hari Kaur

The Motherline is a fertile void of excellence. An explorative training ground for artistry in all forms. The space is both created, cultivated and nurtured through and by a buoyant wave of women whose journeys and learnings each one gets to steep within for a time, for inspiration and reflection. Paramatma's ability to lightly and lovingly hold the space for all of this to unfold is unparalleled. If you are called to explore the subtleties of your own experience and to alchemise and amplify this within your own artistry I invite you to reconnect with the Motherline.

Lucy Elizabeth

Thank you for the opportunity to study with you and the amazing cohort of women gathered in the Motherline training. Every class was a journey, and I’m still integrating a lot of what was channeled in the training.

What really touched me was in the closing of the training, but it was present throughout the training, your appeal for women philosophers and how much the world needs them. Contrasted with everything I have been taught by previous teachers, always an emphasis of humility and silence, referring always to other authorities, often male, lest we develop a spiritual ego. The whole training served as a deconstruction of everything I know and in that, a new knowing was birthed.

The lesson: I am not a stranger in a strange land.

For me it was a special privilege, something completely unimaginable for someone with my background, as I wouldn’t get the chance to experience these classes, so many teachings, in any other way. Everything I missed live I regretted, although I can see the larger picture and realize I was where I was supposed to be. And when I was live, a few times just as I was about to say something or ask something my phone or internet would die, and I took it as a sign to be the most grateful observer.

What I observed in my silence is that the world is unimaginably huge and connected, and when I feel as if I’m on a different planet, I am reminded that I am home. So I have been writing a lot, of home, and our connections. A lot opened up for me creatively, energetically, even in opportunities, and I know what I learned will carry me through the expression I will have in the future. I want to start teaching classes in English, and maybe find a way to shine the truth that is being revealed to me.

Ivana Batev